Fruitful 2nd day of kids practices, supported by Sam Van Rossom


2nd week of free practices for kids. Sam Van Rossom supported also this 2nd practice.


Valencia Basket youth teams open again their doors for kids for the upcoming season, organizing open practices on many ages. This is the schedule and groups for the practices.


Practices will take place on Colegio Santo Cáliz (Av Hermanos Maristas, 16) with the following schedule:




Boys and girls born on 2006, 2007 and 2008

-Sunday 13th March 10:00 AM

-Sunday 17th April 10:00 AM

-Sunday 15th May 10:00 AM


Boys and girls born on 2004 and 2005

-Sunday 24th 12.00 PM

-Sunday 8th May 10.00 AM

-Sunday 29th May 10.00 AM




Boys and girls born on 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.

-Sunday 12th June 10.00 AM


Boys and girls born on 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.

-Sunday 5th June 12.00 AM

-Sunday 12th June 12.00 AM


During last week of May and 1st and 2nd week of June, practices will be open to player who want to test themselves to be a part of Valencia Basket 16-17 teams.


You need to book your spot to practice, to adjust the practice to ages and player level. To do ir, write to o or to the phone 615.55.73.77.