Loss vs. Surne Bilbao Basket in La Fonteta (79-85)


Valencia Basket lost to Surne Bilbao Basket by 79-85 in a game in which the taronja squad was behind almost all the time and in which despite tying on several occasions when they were able to defend and run, once again lacked accuracy in the 3-points shots to complete the comeback. Our team recovered from a starting run against with Killeya-Jones scoring to briefly take the lead in the first quarter and recovered another bad moment in which Surne Bilbao Basket penalized the turnovers to go up to thirteen points ahead, in both cases with prominence of Davies, to go to halftime with 39-43. Pantzar's accuracy kept Valencia Basket behind throughout the third quarter and although the appearance of Ojeleye activated the Taronja offense, the Bilbao team's success in three-pointers put them eight ahead with six minutes remaining. With somea steals Valencia Basket was able to run fastbreaks to get within two points down but did not score in the action to tie and the turnovers condemned the Taronja team to suffer a new defeat at home.