Rubén Burgos and Queralt Casas post J9 ELW vs AZS UMCS Lublin quotes


Coach Rubén Burgos valued that "first of all congratulate the opponent for the effort, wish them the best of luck in their competition and congratulate our players, they have understood the game plan very well, the specialty of the opponent we were facing. On this court all the teams have had complicated games especially for the zonal defense during a very high percentage of the game that we have read very well and that we have been able to attack with success. The rythm of the game has favored us, it was the one we wanted to impose, much higher with many more shots than them and with the power of rotation of our bench that has scored solvency. I think that sharing efforts, collectivity, having all of us clear about the way we are going is the best news and what we have shown on the court. I hope that people enjoyed Valencia on the screen and look forward to seeing us on Saturday against Araski because it will be another battle in our league where we want to stay on top".

Player Queralt Casas commented that "we knew that on this court this team had not achieved many victories in this competition but we knew that many teams, even the top teams, had suffered here. It was not an easy court and we all had clear what we had to do and especially the pace we had to put to not make it easy for them. So I am very happy for the team and to continue with this positive inertia of the last two games".