Valencia Basket kicks off its preseason with an international tournament in Sardinia


The women's team travels to Sardinia, Italy, specifically to Cagliari, to face its first two preseason tests in the international tournament “Sa Duchessa” organized by Cus Cagliari and the Italian league. On Saturday the Taronja team will open against Rmb Brixia (Saturday, September 7, 6:30 pm, Pala Antonianum), followed by Dinamo Sassari and Famila Wuber Schio at 8:45 pm. The winners of each match will face each other in the final on Sunday at 19:15h and previously the third and fourth place will be played at 17:00h. A good opportunity for Rubén Burgos' team to start testing itself against teams of European stature, after three weeks of work.