Quotes Xavi Albert post P3 UCAM Murcia


“First of all, congratulate UCAM Murcia, I think they have had a historic season, the BCL, these semifinals… totally deserved, with a very recognizable game. They won in a game that had a beautiful first half of Basket, with two teams giving everything they had, and a third quarter where we felt comfortable being able to go up to 10, but we did not finish. Then we moved into situations of 4-6 points at a time when we began to lack energy. That and after the time-out, stay calm. I think the players were empty. I would have loved to give a victory and a great night as a reward for the fans, and to be able to get into the semi-finals, and that is our objective as a club, we are clear about it, for budget, for what we are, is to be in the semi-final, it is and we We finished fifth without being able to compete among the top 4.

A very tough season in which the club finished 13th in the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague, which makes us arrive tired at this stage of the Endesa League. An irregular season, in which the club tries to continue taking steps to continue growing. The general vision is to be bigger, but we are having a hard time having that consistency, when it comes to always trying to be the biggest and most competitive.”