Pedro Martínez returns to lead Valencia Basket men's team


Valencia Basket has reached an agreement with Pedro Martínez (Barcelona, ​​06/29/61, 62 years old) to return to the taronja entity to lead the men's team with a relationship that will unite both sides for the next two seasons, until on June 30, 2026. A few days before the seventh anniversary of the Endesa League title that the Taronja team won with Martínez as head coach, the Catalan coach returns to begin his second stage at the helm of Valencia Basket. Pedro comes from Baxi Manresa, a team that he has directed for the last five seasons and from which he left this morning. Under his orders, the Bages team has been one of the great sensations of recent years, qualifying twice in the last three years to compete in both the Copa del Rey and the Endesa League Playoff, displaying one of the most attractive basketballs of the championship and playing in the final of the Basketball Champions League in 2022.