#MVPMovistar popular vote starts with 5 players taronja


From 12.30 hours today, Tuesday, April 25th, voting begins to elect #MVPMovistar of the 2016-17 season. Fans will choose 25% of the final result thanks to their votes in social networks. Among the 65 players chosen (15 PGs, 25 SG-SF and 25 PF-C) by rating criteria, there are 5 players taronja.


Bases: Antoine Diot

Eaves: Fernando San Emeterio and Rafa Martínez

Pivot: Bojan Dubljevic and Luke Sikma


The method of voting shall be one vote per user and social network (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram). In case of Twitter, retweets will count as votes. The deadline for the popular vote will end on Saturday May 13 at 11:59 in the morning.


To vote, include in your posts the hashtag #MVPMovistar and the first and last name of the player to whom you want to vote. The game is opened!