The last quarter decides the serie to Murcia (77-84)


Valencia Basket fell in the third game of its quarterfinal series against UCAM Murcia by 77-84 in a game in which the Taronja team withstood the visiting team well and was in control with short distances in the second and third quarters. but in which they were surpassed by a visiting team that managed to impose their game in the last ten minutes. Valencia Basket withstood the good offensive output of its rival led by Ennis and Sleva with points from Davies and three triples from Justin Anderson and in which it knew how to stay on top with very short gains in a second act where the two coaches scored more cement to their defenses. Davies' outside success gave Valencia Basket a small window that allowed them to continue ahead when Kurucs led the visitor's reaction to leave everything undecided in the last quarter. At the beginning of the last act, Radebaugh appeared to put the university team ahead and at the decisive moment, the taronja team did not find success and the visiting team took advantage of the anxiety errors of Valencia Basket to build a maximum advantage of ten points that they knew how to protect. punishing the mistakes of a local team that tried despite all the conditions but did not find a way by trying everything, but with more heart than head.