Rubén Burgos & Anna Gómez quotes post P3 Final LF Endesa


Coach Rubén Burgos analyzed the match: "It is something that could happen. It's clear that right now we're upset, but I think we have to value the season we've had and analyze the game, the things to improve because we want to be and we'll be in more finals and we're gaining experience. We hope that the next one falls on our side. Juan Roig told us when he came downstairs that he wanted us all with our heads held high, that the season is very good and that our path has begun".

For her part, captain Anna Gomez believes "we have not been comfortable throughout the game, we have controlled the rebounding, but they have not let us run. That was the key to the game. They have been successful and it is what it is, it is a final. Congratulations to Salamanca. They are touched. It's a difficult moment but we've already passed it. It's a shame to end like this, I think this team has had a great season and that's what we have to keep. We would have liked to win the Cup, but it's incredible what we've done this season. Next year, more next year.