Valencia Basket- Real Madrid post-game quotes: Pedro Martínez


"We lost 48 hours ago in a very similar ending, so today it went our way, and that’s basketball. In the end, when you get to these final moments of a game, what makes the difference is the talent of the players, the winning decisions made by the players from both teams. So today it went our way, and we’re happy, but we’re not going to think that this will always happen, because we remember that 48 hours ago, the team that made the best decisions at the end of the game was the other team. I’ve congratulated the players for their mentality throughout the game, especially the first half, which I liked a lot. The second half, a little less. But it’s also true that Madrid scored much more than they did in the first half, and that made the pace a little worse. However, in the last quarter, I think we got back to playing fast, running, defending a little more aggressively, not just waiting to see what they would do and reacting, but being a little more proactive, and we went back to what we did at the start of the game. We should be happy and that’s it. As I always say, tomorrow we practice and then think about the next challenge"